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Tips for
Buying a Home


Create a list of features you want in your next home and for these features list reasons why. This list can help you identify properties within your price range and help you realize that you may have to give on some options. Along with identifying your direction you will need to let our sales associates know exactly what area you prefer and will suit you the best. Our associates are experienced with the process of searching for their client’s next move and will provide valuable insight on the local area and market.

Finance and Price Range

Now that you have your direction, it’s time to make sure you’re within your price range. To find out what you qualify for you can use our mortgage calculator to get a general idea of where to start. The next step would be to get pre-approved for a mortgage which normally takes less than an hour to complete if you have all your information together. Once you become pre-approved you will be able to determine your price range, monthly payment, and have a pre-approval letter in hand to reassure sellers that you can afford their property. With your pre-approval letter, contract-offers and negotiations will be beneficial for both parties involved.

Start Your Search

Now it’s time to begin your actual search for your property. By starting your search online you will be able to get an idea of what properties are available and which property actually fits your criteria. This search will help you start to visit the actual properties in person, getting a better feel for each and every property. By contacting one of our real estate associates you will be able to get a better idea of what the particular market offers. Questions will arise and you will need a qualified real estate professional to guide you through this process. When narrowing down your list remember to point out all the pros and cons of each property.

Offer and Negotiations

When you locate the property, you will be ready to make an offer to purchase. When negotiating an offer it is always better for both parties interest to have a third party such as a real estate associate involved due to the sensitive nature of differing goals and ideas from both buyer and seller. Always remember the more information revealed by either party can become a positive or negative during negotiations.

Contract and

Upon acceptance of your offer, the contract is finalized and you are ready to move forward with property inspections. Inspections can reveal potential problems which can open negotiations back up to satisfy both parties and is critical in avoiding major issues down the road. After both parties are satisfied you will need to start arranging for homeowners insurance, verifying utilities, and finalizing your mortgage with you lender. Before closing we recommend a walk through inspection to verify any repairs that were to be completed and make sure the property is in the condition and working order that was agreed upon.


Prior to closing, make sure that all items have been addressed and resolved. Check and double-check all our paperwork and items that you will be responsible for at closing. Once you sit down at the closing you will want everything to fall into place so that you have a smooth closing. There are numerous things that can cause a closing not to take place so it’s better to be prepared than not prepared. Closing has taken place and now you are the owner of the property, it has been a process that over time you will be thankful for, now it’s time to move and start enjoying your new place. Congrats and good luck!